
The Order of St. George is the oldest non-secular Knighthood of men and women founded on Chivalrec values in the world. Founded in 1326 AD, the Order of St. George has survived and grown to serve hundred’s of thousands of veterans, their families, and the public, the world over. We welcome members of many faiths around the world into our Order.

Welcome to the Order of St George Priory of the United States of America and affiliate of the Order of St. George, Grand Priory of Canada, linking the Orders of St. George around the world, for service to humankind.

In the United States, we are committed to serve and support the American military community, Veterans and the civilian public. Service and support includes fundraising, project development, project collaboration with other civilian charitable organizations, and links to relevant resources and services. Our 501 (C) (3) # 90-0907582.

Please feel free to explore our site and contact us for your needs and concerns.

Mission Statement

The Order of St George Priory of the United States of America’s Mission is to:

  • enhance the health, well‐being, morale, and quality of life of Veterans, members of the military, and their families; and,
  • promote leadership in identifying community based solutions for those in need of housing, work training, ptsd service animals, and other recognized medical treatments.
  • provide concerned donors a safe and secure, tax free donation avenue, to qualified entities of their choice that serve the public good, improving our way of life on all levels. This includes support for other fraternal organizations, housing communities, recognized medical groups, religious organizations and providers of canine companions for qualified veterans in the United States, Canada and other areas of the world where the Order of St. George has representation.
St George and the Dragon by Raphael